Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Know That Know One Reads This (So No One Cares) But I'm Back...



Sorry - to my non-existent fans and of course the ones who live in my head (can't forget about you guys!) but after a long and anxiety-inducing junior year in high school - I'm finally posting again after, how long was it?

Oh, yeah. Ten months.

But, I'm back and more movie-savvy than ever so I'm feeling good and have a lot to tell.

First of all - Film class this year was a mixture of disappointments, triumphs and more disappointments.

I made a few films (including what I consider my best one to date), made a few friends and had a pretty good time. Blah blah blah.

Anyway, the film I consider my "best to date" is a little short called "X". It's about four and half minutes in length and was entered into my school's first annual film festival - only to be turned down because, why else, the "content was inappropriate".

Bullshit. Total bullshit.

It was a horror movie with some pretty sadistic undertones and a pretty creepy atmosphere but nothing compared to anything considered remotely "graphic" or "violent". Plus I tried my hardest to keep the profanity to a minimum, which I succeeded at - apparently - because there isn't one word considered "bad" in the English language featured in the film. No fucks, no shits, no cunts, no pricks, not even a fucking hell.

Whatever, fuck my life, I'm starting to rant and become more angry as I type this so I'll stop.

But, continuing on ---


I started writing my first feature-length screenplay over spring-break (late April, about a month and two weeks ago) it's coming along quite well. The working title was 'Dead Life' at first but I almost immediately changed it to 'The Life and Death of Ellis the Elephant'.

Strange title, I know.

Here's a brief synopsis, if you please: Scott Arcady is a drug-addict who's girlfriend just broke up with him after Scott strolls in one day to find her having sex with Scott's "best-friend". Scott is also the host of the popular children's show 'Ellis's Playground' (playing the title character 'Ellis the Elephant') and is on the brink of true stardom. Will Scott make it big? How will Scott's influence affect those around him? Will Scott's addiction, ultimately bring him down?

I don't know, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Boosting my positive thoughts are the two people I've shown what I've written (my internet buddy from Minnesota, Blake - And my real-life buddy, Johana - both are EXTREME film-buffs, much like myself). Both of them are completely hooked and bothering me daily about finishing it. I've promised them the first draft by the end of summer. That gives me three months.

I'm not very confident :(


Yeah, just an update of the past couple of months. Hope you guys (if anyone is visiting, since I know I have zero returning readers) enjoyed it and I'll be back soon. I promise.

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